The challenge continues

At the beginning of 2022, when we assumed that things were coming back to normal on a global scale, we began to rethink the relativeness of the word “normal”. Considering the global as well as the national context, we’ve undergone more than two years of extraordinary events that have affected considerably our manufacturing activity.

Whatever industry we work in, we’ve concluded that the fulfilment of our objectives relies on our ability to adapt to the most dissimilar and unimagined scenarios; mainly, in the capacity to redefine strategies aimed toward managing unpredictability, without resigning the quality and commitment that we have offered our clients for decades.

Whoever develops this adaptive ability is at a great advantage, one that will be greatly appreciated by our stakeholders: clients, suppliers, collaborators and the whole community.

In the field of industrial packaging, uncertainty has had a significant impact in terms of our capacity to respond to our clients. Restrictions at a global scale, suppliers facing diverse difficulties, and delays in the delivery of supplies and ports, are just a few of the complications of the logistic and productive chain, that even two years into the pandemic is not fully functional yet.

This challenge presents the opportunity to bring value to our clients, being realistic in terms of the context and optimizing our processes without altering theirs. It is key to anticipate their needs and requirements and to use that knowledge in the development of technical as well as logistic and management alternatives. It’s all about minimizing risks and committing our productive capacity without damaging our clients’ operative sustainability.

These are some of the solutions and processes that we have implemented with that goal in mind:

  • Adapting and strengthening our QMS (Quick Manufacturing System) system, that allows for the assemblage of barrels in our clients’ production plants, drastically reducing costs in logistics and storage space.
  • Improving the frequency of meetings for availability and pricing, allowing both parties to decide the best moment to buy commodities such as steel – which has improved its value by around 80% compared to pre-pandemic costs -. This allows combining the timing in the purchase of steel with the best possible conditions.
  • Quoting logistic operations separately with clients, benefiting from each position separately, and also from the lowest available price.

The world keeps moving, and we have learned that certainty is an elusive asset. The creation of added value becomes more complex, but this also allows us to reaffirm our commitment: working towards ensuring our clients’ operative continuity.

Backed by its 60 years of presence in the market, Rheem Chilena has proved capable of adapting to our client’s needs in the context of ever-changing conditions. Now, more than ever, we understand what is expected from us. The road is clear. We’ll continue working towards reaffirming our position as leaders in industrial packaging solutions for Latin America.