From its establishment in 2008 until today, its unconditional approach to quality has positioned this company

as a world leader in its field. 

We understand the importance of logistics in our clients’ productive processes. We are also aware that not

every company has enough storage capability, although they all require permanent packaging stock. 

For those clients, we offer the QMS (quick manufacturing) solution. This innovative solution allows to transport

big volumes of already painted and decorated metallic components, to be assembled upon arrival 

and in line with each company’s productive process. 

How does it work? We keep it simple. 

If your company has only 225 m2 available, it is still possible to install an assembly plant, with 200 tambours

stored and ready to use, and with 2880 components in stock. Our specialized technicians oversee the plant’s

 installation and start-up, and are also in charge of training the operators responsible for tambour assembly. 

This means that when isolated components enter your facilities, they are transformed into tambours with

a capacity of 55 to 60 gallons, ready for use when needed.

To put it in figures, the use of QMS increases by 6 to 8 times transportation capacity and from 10 to 15 storage

capacity, optimizing resources between 33% and 50%. 

Us at Rheem always look towards the future, and are passionate about challenges. We offer added value

to our clients: solutions that have a direct impact on their productivity.