It is important for us at Rheem to carefully listen to our clients’ requirements. We destine resources to analyze

global tendencies and the markets in which they operate, so we can anticipate new solutions or improve existing 

ones. This is what being alert to their true needs is all about.  It’s not just a question of delivering, but also to do

it with maximum efficiency and quality. That’s the value we add.

In words of our Export Sales Assistant Director, Mauricio Galleguillos, the key is to “be alert to their productions,

their seasons and cycles, the moments in which our help is most needed”. In order to achieve that, a fluid and

assertive communication with each client is essential: not only between client and supplier but also between

department heads and technical teams. Galleguillos adds: “it is key to transmit that knowledge to our people,

since they are responsible for delivery in due time and form”. 

In order to meet the proposed objectives and guarantee our clients’ operative continuity, Rheem must attend

to other variables that, although external, have a direct impact on the productive process. 

One clear example has been operations management at a global scale since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. This context exposed the fragility of the logistics chain, due to restrictions in mobility – for people as

well as goods – and it became necessary to undertake high impact correction measures, maybe unthought of

in a different context. In that regard, Galleguillos points out the case of tomato production in the Pacific region:

“If a client requires a certain volume of packaging items in September, now we must plan

 transportation for July – August, as to avoid delays that could have a negative impact on the commercialization 

of their products”.

A deeper understanding of our clients’ needs and a keen eye on the global context have been key variables

to operate in this context, keeping the continuous commitment that Rheem has had towards its clients for over

60 years.  Thanks to all these years of distinguished history and learning, we have grown as a company 

in a planned and sustainable way. Our clients have grown with us, driven in a way by our joint efforts. 

Because of these dynamics we can say that their success is, without a doubt, also ours.